Have you registered for the 2024 annual FamilySearch's RootsTech hybrid event, featuring keynote speaker Kristin Chenoweth? The three-day genealogical celebration in Salt Lake City kicks off Thursday, February 29. If you happen to be in the Salt Lake City area or want to drive the 10-11 hours to attend the three-day event in person, tickets are still available. Or you can still register for the free online event and experience an incredible array of presentations, workshops, classes, discussions, etc.
Presented since 2010, RootsTech is the world's largest family history conference. Sponsored by FamilySearch, RootsTech includes expert and beginner classes, a giant expo hall, and celebrity keynote speakers. Keynoter and Broadway star Kristin Chenoweth was raised as an adoptee in a happy home but connected with her birth mother in 2012.
Looking over the huge lineup of presenters, you'll recognize genealogical experts who have spoken or are scheduled to speak at events sponsored by the Southern California Genealogical Society, including our Webinars and Jamborees. Among them:
Kate Townsend
Judy G. Russell
Kelli Bergheimer
LaBrenda Garrett Nelson
But wait--that's not all! Other speakers and attractions include:
Keynote speakers include comedian Henry Cho and Lynn M. Jackson
Presentations from DNA expert Diahan Southard, D. Joshua Taylor, Myko Clelland, Dr. Wanda Wyporska, and David Allen Lambert
A live and virtual Expo Hall, with representatives from Ancestry.com, MyHeritage, and Storied, among others
This year, many of the new online classes will be presented live, recorded, and made available for on-demand viewing shortly after the presentation
More than 1,000 classes, workshops, and activities
185 countries represented
200+ new online sessions in over 26 languages
250+ exclusive sessions only available in Salt Lake City
120+ exhibitors/sponsors in the Expo Hall
Enjoy the event and let us know on Facebook which classes and speakers you recommend!